So I am back and unhappy with myself. After a wonderful weekend and an Easter filled with yummy horrible foods, I find myself extremely bloated. I know I ate to much and at the time I really enjoyed it. Now I regret every little bit of it. It's so bad that I am thinking of taking a laxative to "cleanse" myself. But I promised I'd try not to do that again.
I am trying to get back on track with things. I finally found a diet that I think I can live with and starting today I will be changing my life. I know I've already said this many times before, but I really have to do something or else.... I just can't be what I once was before.
So I read this book: Jackie Warners "This is Why You are Fat". I thought it was really interesting. She talks about how we can use certain supplements to help guide our metabolism to burn more efficiently. After reading her book I decided to buy a good multi-vitamin, an amino acid supplement, some CLA, and Milk Thistle. I am going to pair these daily with my calcium supplement, fish oil and my probiotic..... not to mention the daily birth control and thyroid pill. I know it sounds like a lot, but I can see how each and every one of these supplements can help. So I am going to give it a shot. I've been feeling really run down lately. Sometimes I space out and sometimes I get these dizzy spells. So hopefully with these changes in addition to the other ones I am going to talk about below will get me back on track.
So in addition to all these supplements, Jackie talks about eating clean all week M-F and paying close attention to the amount of sugar in food. Less than 9grams a serving and your body shouldn't even register it. She wants you to eat 2 eggs a day and a serving of oatmeal every day as well in addition to fruits and vegetables throughout the day. I am also supposed to only eat whole grains and carbs should be limited and used early in the day. If you're able to do this throughout the week, then on Sat and Sunday I can have 2 cheat meals! This part has me hooked! If I can eat well all week and splurge a little on the weekend that would be okay right?? I plan to follow this as closely as possible and if I need something a little extra such as chocolate it'll be something limited and sugar free. I think that's the only place I am going to mess up with.
Also I just bought a journal to help me keep track of my foods too. Then of course I have to commit to working out. My main source to work out is Tae Kwon Do... During the week I know I can get there Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.... On Wednesday I can go to the gym and Sunday too.... (I like to work out with my mommy so this is something I am pretty much doing so I can do it with her.)
So....... sounds like a plan right? Gosh I hope so. I plan to get on the scale later in the week when I am less bloated. Hopefully this change will be something I can maintain and it won't be too hard.
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